High-Quality Ambient Sound in Santamasa Sarrià

07/02/2024 | Restoration | Technology
Sound | Limiter | Sound Control | Ecler | Ambient Sound | Sonos | Cesva | Acoustic Sustainability
View of Santamasa Sarrià Restaurant with its Sound Limitation System in Barcelona, Combining Quality and Regulations


In the legendary house of pharmacist D. José Margenat located in Sarrià square, the center of the social and political life of the neighborhood, we find Santamasa Sarrià restaurant, a charming place, full of cozy nooks with industrial decoration.

Thanks to its location and its fresh and original Mediterranean cuisine, it has become a landmark in the area.

Santamasa Sarrià restaurant has several lounges and needed equipment that offered high-quality, easy-to-manage fluid sound, and above all, complied with the acoustic impact regulations of the environmental ordinance (OMA) required by the Barcelona city council.


Install High-Quality, Easy-to-Manage Ambient Sound that Meets the Requirements of OMA Environmental Ordinances
Restaurante SANTAMASA Sarrià
Sarrià - Barcelona


Again, for the sound system, we opted for the ECLER brand, which allows us to create a robust, multi-zone, and easy-to-manage sound system with excellent sound quality.

The sound limitation is done with a CESVA approved limiter recorder that finally allows complying with the strict requirements of the Barcelona city council regarding the OMA environmental ordinances

Less is more
It is an effective, economical, and suitable solution for the client's needs.

An ECLER preamplifier that receives music through a SONOS WiFi receiver, allows staff with privileges to send and manage the music from their mobile phone or Tablet.
The amplification is done by a multi-channel amplifying stage that allows adjusting or muting the volume of each room if necessary.

Some silent equipment since they cool by convection and do not use fans, which together with the standby option that puts the stage to rest if no sound signal is received, guarantees energy savings that cause less impact on the environment.

ECLER Audeo speakers strategically placed in each of the rooms provide fluid and high-quality sound, offering greater comfort to the customer.


ECLER sound equipment and CESVA limiter at Santamasa Sarrià, ensuring regulatory compliance and audio quality

Certified Sound Technology

Advanced sound technology used at Santamasa Sarrià, including ECLER equipment for exceptional sound and an approved CESVA limiter.
Visualplanet, as a certified installer, has implemented a system that not only offers audio quality and ease of handling but also ensures compliance with OMA regulations for an ideal sound environment.
Sound measurement with CESVA limiter at Santamasa Sarrià, adjusting the sound quality according to OMA regulations

Professional Acoustic Calibration

Precise sonometric measurements are carried out at Santamasa Sarrià to calibrate the CESVA limiter.
VisualPlanet, as certified installers, adjusts the ECLER sound equipment to optimal levels, ensuring not only compliance with OMA regulations but also a high-quality auditory experience for all restaurant visitors.
ECLER Audeo speakers in the La Bodega lounge of Santamasa Sarrià, combining high sound quality with industrial decoration

ECLER Sound in La Bodega

The La Bodega lounge of Santamasa Sarrià integrates ECLER Audeo speakers, merging with the industrial decoration and enriching the ambiance with smooth and high-quality sound.
These speakers provide acoustic comfort without disrupting the visual harmony, demonstrating how sound technology can perfectly complement the aesthetics and functionality of a space.
La Biblioteca lounge in Santamasa Sarrià with integrated ECLER Audeo speakers that provide high-quality and comfortable sound

ECLER Sound in La Biblioteca

The ECLER Audeo speakers blend with the decor of La Biblioteca lounge, enriching the space with exceptional sound quality.
These speakers provide a comfortable and continuous sound atmosphere, ideal for enjoying the culinary experience in a cozy and aesthetically pleasing environment.

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Sound Control
Ambient Sound
Acoustic Sustainability