Metal-Kuiper Kinetic Sculpture
Luxury | Hotel | Design | Industrial Design
The project was ambitious and innovative.
They opted to build a multifunctional space: on one hand, it would house exhibition areas for their own materials, and these same spaces would also be rented out for private exhibitions and events.
Additionally, a café and cocktail bar was envisioned for the evenings.
The spaces would be decorated according to the chosen theme, centering on the marble as the main axis and everything revolving around it.
They chose the marble as an icon, partly to represent the concept of movement and everything related to it, and partly due to a personal devotion they had toward this object.
They would seek artistic works and objects related to marbles and movement, thus aligning with the artistic movement of kinetic art or kinetic art.
Kinetic art, or art of movement, refers to a form of visual expression in which the artwork gives the impression of movement or actually moves in reality.
There are numerous works worldwide that represent this movement, dating back from the late 19th century to the present day.
The client outlined the requirements as described above. The piece needed to integrate seamlessly and enhance the planned decor, adding a spectacular element to establish itself as a reference piece within the venue.
Design and manufacture a unique kinetic sculpture that adds intrinsic value and enhances the establishment's personality.
1U La avenue
Vilassar de Mar, Barcelona
Carlos Portillo, a designer from the Engineering and Design team at VisualPlanet - AiConnex, has always been attracted to everything related to the universe and its mysteries.
In the conceptualization process, he noticed the structure formed by the Kuiper Belt, composed of numerous asteroids that create a large disc-shaped region surrounding and orbiting the solar system.
This insight proved to be a crucial inspiration point.
All these elements together formed the project's starting point.
General design guidelines were established for the intended outcome, and step by step, everything began to take shape, allowing the definition of the various parts and how to achieve them. The structure and mechanisms necessary for the desired movements and aesthetics were gradually solidified.
It was determined that the sculpture would contain 99 spheres of different diameters as a nod to Albert Einstein, with each sphere having a unique movement and together forming a specific choreography.
(Element 99 on the periodic table is einsteinium, a synthetic element with special significance in science and history, named in honor of Albert Einstein).
Engineering played a major role in the sculpture's development, from its design to its final installation.
The movement of the parts was achieved through fully mechanical systems; the set goals for the intended movements exponentially increased the design's complexity, requiring various techniques, such as the fabrication of 3D-printed scale models where empirical tests defined the mechanical programming that would replicate the intended movements.
Necessary calculations and suitable 2D and 3D projections completed the process.
Choosing the construction material was essential for achieving the intended level of grandeur, and polished stainless steel was ultimately chosen.
A great deal of time was invested in research and experimentation, but the end result was truly rewarding.

The Kuiper Belt, a true inspiration.
Like planets and comets trapped in a belt, each component may seem insignificant on its own, but together they form a choreography reminiscent of fish schools’ behavior.
The work is designed to offer a relaxing and immersive visual experience for the viewer, where the fluid motion of the spheres simulates a constantly changing universe.

Technical Development of the Metal-Kuiper Sculpture
To create the synchronized kinetic movement of the 99 spheres, a precise internal clockwork system was necessary.
This development required the creation of dozens of 2D and 3D technical plans, along with 3D-printed models for empirical testing.
Thanks to this advanced engineering, the fluid and harmonious movement of the work was brought to life.

Sculpture Fabrication and Assembly
The final assembly was a laborious process that involved not only the exact assembly of each piece but also careful planning for safe transportation to its destination.
The scale of the project and the precision required made this process a true odyssey, which culminated successfully in the installation of the piece.

Precision Assembly and Adjustment
Each piece had to be precisely adjusted to ensure proper functionality.
Inside the work, high-tech Kevlar cables were used, providing the stability and precision needed for a visually spectacular result.
These cables are essential for maintaining the accuracy of the spheres' collective movement, ensuring optimal performance.
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